Well we survived two months. This was just about the time with Taylor I started to come to life however this time around I have had to be "with it" from the beginning... quite a challenge.
Avery is wonderful. She is super pleasant and pretty easy going, minus the dinner time hour. She continues to get lots of love and kisses from her proud big sister. She really likes watching Taylor and listening to her talk. She is turning out to be a good sleeper which is a relief after almost a month of less than one hour increments. She is sleeping from about 8pm- 1 or 2am. I love the extra sleep but have to say I do miss my middle of the night trashy shows that I had been DVRing.
Having two children has proven to be a challege. Our laundry piles are bigger, house is messier, days are longer, and alone time has all but vanished. I do get overwhelmed at times but when I see the two girls together- how happy Taylor gets when Averys holds her hand or how happy Avery gets when Taylor kisses her... it makes all the craziness and dirty toilets worth it!