Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Waiting Game

No news here... still no Baby Krepps!

Mike helped Aunt Jen and Uncle Dave move in to their new house today. I tried to help thinking that a few trips up the stairs while carrying moderately heavy boxes would jar something but instead after two trips I was out of breath and tired. I started to get nervous that I would use all my energy and then go in to labor and be spent. I decided to come home and rest although after I caught a glimpse of our dirty windows I couldn't relax until they were clean! This nesting thing has done wonders for all those annoying things that never get done around the house.


Christina said...

I haven't talked to Ashlynne so I don't know if your due date came and went with no baby, or if you are holding little Taylor in your arms at this very moment, but I wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you!!

Christina said...

Never mind! I just heard from Ashlynne. Congratulations!! I hear she's beautiful!!