Tuesday, October 28, 2008

7 months

7 Months and changing and growing so much. Everyday seems to be somthing new for Miss Taylor. Just last night she started "ga ga ga ing" and hasn't really stopped except when eating or sleeping. I think she may have gotten sick of her own shreks and is happy to be able to make a new noise. When Mike and I heard this we began clapping and she looked right at us and brought her hands together like she wanted in on the clapping action too. After celebrating these new developments, I sat on the floor with her and she reached forward to grab my shoe lace and inched forward in the crawling position. I wouldn't really consider it a real crawl but it was the first time that she really made an attempt at this. After all this happened we were on development overload and started telling her to slow down! I remember when she was first born and although we appreciated every moment I couldn't wait for her to start doing something... anything...and now I am starting to feel a little sad when I experience all these new things because this is all going too fast!


Christina said...

Wow, I can't believe she is already 7 months old!! This was when I started to really enjoy Chase, at this age they just start to learn and change so much everyday and you feel like you are really communicating and having fun together.

Ashlynne said...

How great that she is talking! I love it