Thursday, September 16, 2010

Family picture

Taylor is starting pre-school (more on this later) and one of the things she needs to bring on the first day are pictures. One of her as a baby, one of her now, and one of the family. I realized that aside from a not so great picture of us in this hospital we don't have a family picture.

So here were are. Our first family portrait- taken with the camera's self timer!

While taking pictures I also got my new favorite one of Avery


Taylor and Mike continued to play soccer this summer. I thought it was important for her to have some "Daddy time," especially with her new role as big sis. She really loves going and is so excited when she wakes up on Saturday morning and knows she has soccer. When I was pregnant I would crave a slurpee and a pretzel so they would always stop on their way home and surprise me with this as a treat. Now it is an every weekend thing. I think it is cute to have a little routine like this and it might be one of Taylor's favorite parts of the morning!