Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween

Although I love the fall, I am not a big fan of Halloween... in fact I usually can't wait for the day to be over. I know I sound dramatic but I really don't like to be scared! I know it is important for Taylor to enjoy the fun of dressing up and getting candy so I will do my best not to let my irrational fears rub off on her! Isn't she just the cutest little pumpkin!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

7 months

7 Months and changing and growing so much. Everyday seems to be somthing new for Miss Taylor. Just last night she started "ga ga ga ing" and hasn't really stopped except when eating or sleeping. I think she may have gotten sick of her own shreks and is happy to be able to make a new noise. When Mike and I heard this we began clapping and she looked right at us and brought her hands together like she wanted in on the clapping action too. After celebrating these new developments, I sat on the floor with her and she reached forward to grab my shoe lace and inched forward in the crawling position. I wouldn't really consider it a real crawl but it was the first time that she really made an attempt at this. After all this happened we were on development overload and started telling her to slow down! I remember when she was first born and although we appreciated every moment I couldn't wait for her to start doing something... anything...and now I am starting to feel a little sad when I experience all these new things because this is all going too fast!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

More Pumpkins...

I have decided that babies and pumpkins make really cute pictures. We stopped at a local farm stand this morning to pick up a few more little pumpkins and a mum and of course had to snap some pictures.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Practice Practice Practice

No movement yet but we are practicing!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Family Weekend

This weekend Mike's family from down south came up due to the untimely passing of his uncle. It was a very sad weekend but we were able to spend a lot of time with family that we don't often get to see. It was fun to see Taylor, Nolan, Tyler, and Jaden(mike's cousin's son) all together. Jaden is adorable and got so excited whenever he saw Taylor. He immediately pointed her out to everyone, affectionately referring to her as "baby". Taylor thought he was pretty cool too because he loved giving her the pacifier and this is an immediate plus for anyone she meets.
Here are some pictures from the weekend. We spent some time at home relaxing and catching up. We also went to Merry Mead Farms which was absolute insanity but a nice way to enjoy the fall. Gram and Grandpop were the baby holders while the rest of us played.

The best way to make friends with Taylor

Baby Holders Extraordinaire!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The most perfect pumpkin in the patch

We picked up an old tradition and added a new member today! Taylor, Maddie, PopPop, Great Grandmom and I all went to Solly's to find the prefect pumpkin and to enjoy the beautiful fall day. Taylor was taking it all in as usual. She didn't mind posing for a few (or a thousand) pictures or walking and walking until we found a perfectly round, perfectly orange pumpkin.

Some Pre Pumpkin Picking Pictures

I can't take my eyes off of all these pumpkins!

Did we find it?

Lets inspect it closely...

We have a winner!

It was a tough job but some one's got to do it!