Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Family Weekend

This weekend Mike's family from down south came up due to the untimely passing of his uncle. It was a very sad weekend but we were able to spend a lot of time with family that we don't often get to see. It was fun to see Taylor, Nolan, Tyler, and Jaden(mike's cousin's son) all together. Jaden is adorable and got so excited whenever he saw Taylor. He immediately pointed her out to everyone, affectionately referring to her as "baby". Taylor thought he was pretty cool too because he loved giving her the pacifier and this is an immediate plus for anyone she meets.
Here are some pictures from the weekend. We spent some time at home relaxing and catching up. We also went to Merry Mead Farms which was absolute insanity but a nice way to enjoy the fall. Gram and Grandpop were the baby holders while the rest of us played.

The best way to make friends with Taylor

Baby Holders Extraordinaire!

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