Friday, December 26, 2008


Santa (AKA - Maddie and Pop Pop/Grammy and Grandpop) was good to Taylor! We could benefit from a playroom at this point because our living room is no longer very livable! Most of Taylor's new toys light up, make noise, roll, bouncy, spin and do anything that one would think would be very appealing to a 9 month old...which makes it that much funnier when she completely ignores them for the rolled up piece of wrapping paper, cardboard box, or bow. We had a great day and are so thankful for our wonderful families. Here are some pictures...
Dinner out with the Krepps family... Pre Christmas Celebration
The Cousins

Christmas morning...The first of many things that kept Mike and I up until Midnight Christmas night untwisting twist ties.

Christmas morning with Maddie and Pop Pop
Way too excited to sit long enough to have her pants put back on

Loving Mommy

Daddy's prized possession... and Taylor

Christmas dinner at Grammy and Grandpop's

Loving Nolan

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