Friday, February 6, 2009

Sleep is good

I think Taylor is finally starting to like to sleep and I love it because this has translated in to longer naps. Occasionally the longer naps are in my arms which I can't complain about... for two reasons- 1. it is the only time I get to sit during the day 2. there is nothing I love more than snuggling her in my arms and watching her sleep. As she gets older I realize that this isn't going to last forever. When she was a baby baby I used to panic every time I gave in and held her to sleep because I thought I would ruin all potential of having a good sleeper but now I just enjoy every moment that we get to cuddle!

The other day after coming home from a busy day at Gram's Taylor was spent and she fell asleep in my arms as I was taking her out of the car seat. After an hour in my arms I laid her on the floor so I could start dinner. After about three minutes in the kitchen I walked out to check on her and this is what I found...

Sometimes Taylor takes a few minutes to adjust to being awake and there isn't too much that can make her happy. I love how annoyed she looks in the picture, like "why are you taking a picture of me mom, can't you see I am cranky?"


Christina said...

Oh, I miss that! I was so paranoid about "sleep crutches" that I only napped with Chase when I was desperate for him to sleep, and as a result he won't nap with me anymore and I miss it!

That expression on Taylor's face is priceless. It's like a window into what she'll look like as a teenager!! :)

KatieStraus said...

I love the pic when she just woke up. She looks like you when you are annoyed. She is so cute!!