Busy Busy Busy... haven't had a moment to write Taylor's 11 month post but I don't want to miss it!
Is our Baby really almost one? I can't believe how fast this is all going and just like months past Taylor seems to be changing just as rapidly as ever. I don't even know where to start. She has been getting in to things and exploring her little world more and more and she is always so proud of herself. The kitchen and her bedroom are her favorite rooms in the house. She can pull her clothes out of her drawers for minutes (ha ha-a long time for her) at a time, put them back, and start again. Folding laundry has become an impossible task with her around. In the kitchen she likes to pull the sandwich bags out of one drawer and put them in another drawer. There is a method to her madness and if I could understand her babbles I am sure I would get it.
At times Taylor's energy seems to be endless and sitting still for 2 seconds is completely out of the question, but she is starting to become more and more of a cuddle bug. She has this ability to completely melt us when she is going, going, going and then crawls over to us and lays her head in our lap. It may only last for a few seconds but it is wonderful- Emma thinks so too! She is starting to love her blanky and will take a break from playing to grab it and hug it for a second. Ahh, adorable.
Taylor is really understand general conversation and is picking up on things and doing things that we haven't taught her. The first time she did this we said, "Taylor you want to go night night?" and she grabbed her blanket and dropped to the floor pretending to sleep. Mike and I both looked at each other like, "did you teach her that?" She amazes us with these things all the time now... wiping her nose with a tissue, putting phones to her ear, brushing her hair, and trying to use qtips. It is amazing how much she can pick up ( it is time to curb the potty mouth Mike!)
Taylor has shown little interest in walking. She can stand on her own when she doesn't realize that she is doing it but when I try to tell to stand and try to let go of her, she collapse with what I call "noodle legs." Just over the past couple of days she started reaching from one thing to another, tries to take a step, and collapses to her knees. I think she may finally be starting to realize that walking would be better then crawling. I have a feeling it is just around the corner since things seems to progress pretty quickly.
Mom, we want to go outside
One thing that Mike and I will need and will probably get much practice with is not laughing when she does things we don't want to perpetuate. She is starting to know how to make us laugh and unfortunately some of these things are not really socially appropriate behaviors. I was feeding her lunch the other day and she refused to open her mouth. After trying and trying I was about to give up when she opened as wide as ever and I quickly put a huge spoonful in... only to have her spray it back at me. It was as if she was saying, "alright mom, I will show you what happens when you force me to eat something I don't want." I couldn't help but laugh out loud all the while knowing I was making a huge mistake! I guess we will just have to keep working on this one!
1 comment:
I can't believe how many teeth she has! She's starting to look so grown up...time for another!
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