Friday, August 7, 2009

16 Months

I can't help but think in two more months (always thinking ahead I guess) Taylor is going to be a year and a half. That seems old- really old. I have had lots of friends having babies lately and not only does it make me want one but it makes me realize how big Taylor is. I still look at her cute little feet and think how small and adorable they are and then I see a newborn's foot and I realize that Taylor has "big people" feet. Everything about her is becoming more and more "big people" everyday. All traces of baby Taylor are slipping away. Boo Hoo.

That being said she is turning in to a fun and wonderful big person. She is so full of life and and super energetic. She could play at a park for hours going down slides and climbing around... no swings though, way too much sitting involved in that! We go for a walk with Emma most nights and now she prefers to walk/run instead of sit in her stroller. It makes the walk a little slower and a little tougher but seeing her running up the side walk chasing after Emma is awesome. She is a tough cookie too. All the running comes with a few face plants here and there and she gets up, wipes herself off, and keeps trucking.
Taylor is continuing to express her independence and her opinions(is that a nice way of saying it?). She doesn't want to hold hands in the parking lot or up the steps at the play ground, she doesn't want you to feed her the yogurt, and forget trying to brush her teeth for her. We went to Target the other day and she kept wanting Mike and I to switch who pushed the cart. Here we were, two grown adults switching pushing the cart every 30 seconds all for the sake of preventing a screaming child. I have a feeling this is just the beginning of the challenges in this department but she has given Mike and I lots to think about when it comes to how we deal with these little tantrums!
Taylor is starting to talk more and more. She has mastered quite a few animal sounds and is now saying new words all the time. I have started telling her to say things "with her mouth" and this has seemed to help. When she was a baby we would, say "say bye-bye" and she would wave so I think she might have been confused but once I said, "say ... with your mouth" she seemed to get the hang of it. Still, my favorite are the conversations that she has that sound like nothing but that mean so much to her I am sure. When we tell Emma to do something Taylor follows up with a long rant at Emma which contains no words but lots of inflections and expression. So cute!

Just for the record, we still can not believe that we are lucky enough to have her, we still miss her when she goes to sleep, and we are still in awe of her everyday!

1 comment:

KatieStraus said...

I can't believe how old she is now Jen! So crazy...
I think she has the perfect amount of energy:) Im such a bad influence on that little cherub!