Thursday, March 11, 2010

We're Back- Promise

I am back to blogging... and there is a new look too! The hiatus had nothing to do with motivation but rather just a lack of time. I have decided that this has to be a priority as it is the primary place that I document Taylor's daily life, milestones, celebrations, and growth. Mike and I don't want to forget a thing and with her rapid growth and daily changes combined with our lives being super busy it will be easy to forget the little things. I think we are both suffering from shock knowing that she will be two in two weeks and the time has flown by. So here's to a new beginning. Oh- and I am hoping to get a new camera for my birthday so there are sure to be lots of wonderful pictures!! Here are a few pictures from our trip to Islamorada in February.

1 comment:

Mama Shark said...

love the new blog layout! i cannot believe taylor is going to be 2. it feels like just yesterday you were pregs with her! that's amazing. when are you due with #2?