Sunday, April 20, 2008

Busy Busy

Taylor continues to keep us busy and the last several days have been no exception. She is spending more and more time awake which means we get to spend more time trying to figure out exactly what she would like to do to stay entertained! She loves music and actually doesn't mind my singing (which I only do when I am alone, in her bedroom, with the door shut... my voice is horrible... she doesn't realize this yet!). Taylor and I have gotten pretty good and getting around as well. We had our first trip to Target and Old Navy and even had a few lunch dates. Taylor also had her first real bath this weekend. I don't have any pictures to post because as I was washing her Mike was videotaping and adding a camera to the mix would have been way too much! I will try to get some pics of her second bath. Anyway, it went fairly well considering it is a lot tougher then you may think. Taylor enjoyed it for the first minute or so and then she started to get upset. With the tears came tinkle... we weren't quite sure what to do from there so we ended the bath pretty quickly. At least the first one is under our belt!

We made our first visit to Blue Sage and visited with Uncle Mike and Aunt Holly. Taylor slept through the whole event. Here is a picture of Taylor posing with our favorite Blue Sage server, Keith.
This weekend we had perfect weather for our first walk around the neighborhood.

Here are just a few cute pictures to end with...


Ashlynne said...

It is so adorable to see her eyes open. And is she wrinkling her forehead?

katie said...

I think she looks like you with her eyes open Jen!