Friday, April 4, 2008

One week old!

Who needs sleep when you are able to take care of the most precious little thing ever... umm, we do! I completely understand the "sleep when the baby sleeps" bit of advice that we have gotten several times although there are other things like eating and showering that sometimes take precedent!
Taylor had some weight issues when we first got home but we went to the doctor today and I am happy to report that she is gaining weight like a champ! It was such a relief when they put her on the scale and said that she had gained 4 oz since Tuesday... Mike immediately said, "good job Taylor!" although I quickly reminded him that I put a lot of work in to that weight gain!
I would say (although I have nothing to compare it to) that Taylor is a very happy baby. Mike and I spend a lot of time staring at her and have noticed that she has started to smile. I know that it is probably not a real "smile" but everytime she does it it make us so happy.

It has been so nice having Mike home, I hope he decides to never go back to work. He is huge help and loves taking care of Taylor. In true Mike form he has developed an excel spread sheet to track all of Taylor's feedings and dirty diapers!


Christina said...

You guys are so cute and she is adorable!

Ashlynne said...

I love these pics. I know how busy you are, but I would like you to update every day! I love that Mike made an excel sheet of poopies. Make sure you print it and save it for Taylor!