Monday, July 7, 2008


Taylor has always liked putting her fingers in her mouth. She used to just put one or two fingers of one hand in while rubbing the back of her head with the other hand and it seemed to relax her. Recently this has changed and she has started shoving both hands in her mouth, gnawing away at them, and drooling like crazy. Today I noticed little bruises on two of her fingers where she apparently chewed a little too hard. I am not sure if this is the start of teething or just her exploring but tonight she had a low fever and a runny nose. Does this mean no sleep?

Why bruise my fingers when I can chew on Mommy's?

1 comment:

Christina said...

Jen, Chase started doing this right around the same age that Taylor is and cut his first 2 teeth on his 4 month birthday! Just stock up on Infant Motrin and Tylenol and you'll be fine! :)