Saturday, September 27, 2008

6 months

The past six months have been so wonderful and watching Taylor grow and learn everyday is just amazing. Taylor's personality is really developing. She constantly wants our attention and has learned to scream at the top of her lungs in order to get it. When you finally look at her she gets an embarrassed look on her face and gives a little shrug and smile. It gets us every time. She is also getting much more personable. For most of her life she was very comfortable in mine or Mike's arms and wasn't too happy to be passed around however she is a getting a little more adventurous these days. She is very happy to spend a time with her Gram and Grandpop, she loves to visit with her Pop-Pop and Great Grandmom, and the other day she was totally cranky in my arms and actually reached for and wanted to be held by her Maddie. Mike and I are happy to finally share the love of our little baby!
Taylor has really grown to love Emma. She is so fascinated by her and watches her every move. Emma is sure to get a giggle out of Taylor whenever she comes near her and especially if she barks or growls while playing. Taylor likes to reach for her ears, nose, and collar and poor Emma is fairly tolerant... I am sure she is just happy to have some attention after 6 months of basically being ignored (we still love her!)
I have to say the best part of this month was Taylor's progress in the crib! She has become such a good little sleeper (for the time being). We broke down and used the "Ferber" method. It wasn't as bad as I thought and it has surely paid off. For the past week and a half Taylor has slept 11 -12 hours straight. We are all much happier!
Here's to the next 6 months and all the "firsts" it will bring!

I swear she is happy to have us as parents, even though she looks less than thrilled in this shot!

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