Sunday, March 16, 2008

38 weeks and no birthday present

While I had a wonderful birthday I was hoping for the early arrival of Baby Krepps... as you can probably assume this was not the case. My due date is not until the 28th but I went to the doctor on Tuesday and she told me that things were progressing... I was 2 centimeters dialated and 70% effaced. I was hoping that this meant an early birth but so far this hasn't been the case! She also told me that Baby Krepps won't be "that big, " her prediction is between 7.5 - 8 lbs. Sounds big to me!

Mike and I completed our classes this Saturday. We went to an all day breast feeding/caring for baby class. There was some very useful information but it probably could have been a half day class rather then a whole day deal. I thought Mike's head would explode if he heard one more thing about breast feeding... but he was a trooper!

I hope that Baby Krepps decides that my belly is not as appealing as the outside world will be soon. We are ready to meet her, hold her, and start this new chapter! For now I have taken up knitting wash clothes to help pass the time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just wanted to say Happy Birthday and wish you and Mike the best with the baby.